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“Puya Maithaba” observed

IMPHAL, November 1: The All Club, Organization, Association & Meira Paibi Lup, ACOAM-Lup, Kangleipak observed the “Puwarigi Amamba Numit” in commemoration with the 280th ‘Puya Meithaba’ (burning of ancient Manipuri scriptures) under the motto: “Dignified Integrity” at Iboyaima Shumang Lila Sanglen, Konung Mamang today.

The function was attended by titular king of Manipur, Leishemba Sanajaoba, president of ACOAM-Lup, Ksh Somorendro, chief editor of Kangla Pao, P Ibochou, vice president of UCM, Chandramani Khumancha, president of AMUCO, K T Rahaman, advisor of IPSA, H Ibotombi Khuman, vice president of Kanglamei, Ch Tamphasana, vice president of SEACO, Kolomcha Achoubi Khuman and chief advisor of CLK, A Langdongleima as chief guest, president and guests of honour respectively.

The function was also attended by Pandit Wahengbam Lukhoi, Pandit Yaima, Manipur Pandit Loishang; research scholar Akham Langol and Lecturer in Standard College, Dr M Ranjana as resource persons.

In his keynote address, secretary general of ACOAM–LUP, Sanjit Soraisam said that ACOAM –LUP has been observing the day of ‘Puya Meithaba’ (burning of ancient Manipuri scriptures) as “PUWARIGI AMAMBA NUMIT” for the last five years.

“The society we are living today is backward and dependant on others for livelihood and it is all happening due to the burning of Puya in our ancient period.”

Destroying the Puya by consigning it to flames is also the main reason behind the increasing gap between hill and valley, he added.

Speaking as a resource person, Pandit Wahengbam Lukhoi, said that people have a common thinking that the Puya has been burned and it’s all over.

But it was only the Puyas which were burned not the Meichous, who wrote it or had recorded it; and they had only disappeared, he said hinting that there could be some chances of recovering some Puyas.  

He further expressed his concerned on why our younger generations do not try to find out about the Puya by doing research in the field to find out the truth.

Akham Langol, who also attended as resource person, said if our Puyas were still safe with us, we would have been far more advanced then as we are today in many fields.

There are lots of evidences, documents and references to prove that the Puya was burnt down on October 5, 1732 AD, he added.

AMUCO president K T Rahaman said that it a very important as well as an unfortunate day in the history of Kangleipak. After the annexation of Manipur in the colonial India, the picture of our state has been changed by the Indian government and created a misunderstanding among ourselves. And it is very important that people understand this to act responsibly.

He also commented on the ongoing issue of ‘peace talk’ between the government of India and NSCN (IM). He said that no positive outcome will come from that so called ‘peace talk.’

Titular king of Manipur, Leishamba Sanajaoba, addressing the function as chief guest, expressed his concerned at the changes brought in by outside influence in the traditional culture of Manipur and calls it very unfortunate.

He further said that to bring change we need to start from ourselves and also we need to dig into the matter and find out why our younger generation are going away from our traditional ways.

There are still many Puyas of Kangleipak at the Sana Konung (palace), which was saved from burning by the Meichou’s of that time by hiding it or either by making copies of it, he added.

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