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PANDM urges Govt of India for an amicable solution

IMPHAL, November 1: The Peoples’s Action For National Development for national Democratic Movement, PANDM has urged all community to come to a common cause and stay united and stay strong to our conviction to bring about a change for the better towards peace and harmony in the state.

Cititing the case of June 18 in the year 2001, the PANDM reminded that not a single non Manipuri was targeted or hurt during the massive uprising which even led to the dead of certain local Manipuri who supported and worked for a common cause and to maintain a  strong and firm territorial integrity of Manipur and those who protested against the favour and fracture of territorial integrity of Manipur.

This is a clear proof that that effort to launch was made to maintain the territorial integrity of Manipur and was aimed mainly only to maintain our age old territorial integrity of Manipur from outside vested interest individuality and mostly those politically motivated individual to bring about or create chaos in the state and create confusion and enmity amongst the resident.

In the statement issued to the press, the PANDAM stressed the need to be united and be firm on what we want and stick to what our common goal is and not to be swayed and carried away by some vested interested individual whose only intention is to create havoc and disharmony amonsgt the various community of the state from time to time and without success.

The PANDM also warned that the pursue to break up these territorial boundary is still on and as some of people who are interested in the policy of divide and rule policy is very much on the look out for a chance to strike back and create havoc and mayhem in the state like it was done initially right from the start during the year 2001.

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