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Suu Kyi statue unveiled at Moreh

MOREH, August 8: The Solidarity Committee for Burma Democracy Manipur today unveiled the statue of Myanmar democracy icon, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi at the Social Science Study Centre, Moreh today at 9:30am.

The committee also convened a meeting at the Moreh Trade centre, meeting hall regarding the 24th anniversary of 8888, Burma.

The meeting was attended by chairmen Solidarity committee for Burma democracy, Manipur, Laisaram Sotinkumar and working committee members of the Solidarity Committee for Burma Democracy, Manipur, Aribam Balkrishna Sharma, Sarat Salam, Kshetrimayum Santa, Khomdram Gyaneshwor and Dr Manglem as presidium members.

The meeting deliberated upon and lauded democracy leader, Daw Sung San Suu Kyi for her efforts to bring democracy into her country.

The members echoed that Manipur has much to benefit from the advent of democracy in the neighbouring country of Myanmar.

They also reiterated that Aung San Suu Kyi believes in the path of non-violence as followed by Mahatma Gandhi and in peace.

Her efforts to bring democracy in her country have been acknowledged by several countries of the world with awards including India, the members said.

They also expressed their beliefs that in the coming 2015 Myanmar election, the NLD party will win 82 percent seats and bring certain changes and development to the country. Once Myanmar turns towards democracy, the neighbouring countries will also benefit.

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