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Dy CM for inclusive growth in state

IMPHAL, November 10: State Deputy Chief Minister Gaikhangam attended  a symposium on the topic “Inclusive economic development will usher in ethnic harmonisation and lasting peace in Manipur” as the chief guest, which was organized  under the aegis of  the Red Shield Division, Senapati Brigade, at Senapati district headquarter today.

The Home Minister remarked in his valedictory address that the need for inclusive growth was highly necessary and vital for the overall development of the Manipur.

He asserted that equitable distribution is of prime concern for any Government and that the Government of Manipur are committed to development of Hill Districts in view of their special needs.

He highlighted the fact that for the year 2011-12, 39 percent of the State’s Plan Outlay amounting to Rs. 1252 crores was earmarked in the hill areas and 28 percent of SPA funds and most NLCPR funded projects are implemented in the hills.

He further stressed that efforts with the strengthening of peace process with various insurgency groups in the state, law and order will improve. He also added that there is a renewed focus on development of power sector to facilitate growth and with the opening of trade with Myanmar, up- gradation of Imphal airport and construction of railway line will provide rich dividends in the future.

Lastly, the Chief Guest said that with greater economic prosperity and opportunities, conflicts between various ethnic groups will recede to the background.

The function was also graced by Major General KK Sinha ,SM ,GOC Red Shield Division as the guest of honours.

Expert panelists retired Major General and Chairman of Cease Fire Monitoring Group  N George , Asst Professor M. Bobo Singh and and Professor W.Nabakumar were also present at the event.

Major General K K Sihna  in the opening speech at the multipurpose hall, pointed out that social, political and economic development are all interrelated and interdependent and that disturbance or improvement of any of these affects each other.

He said that although the state is blessed with abundant natural resources, there will be no growth until and unless ethnic harmonization is achieved. It pains him to see that the intra –state conflict of Manipur has affected the political system and the economy of the state, he added.

The main purpose of the symposium was to provide the future generation, a platform where they can present their assessments regarding the current prevailing situation in Manipur and also give divergent views on inclusive growth in Manipur along ethnic harmonization.

Six students from all hills districts in Manipur voiced an evoking debate with honest views which was further qualified by the expert comments of the panellists.

The students highlighted the grievances and hardship faced in the state and urged for a peaceful existence of all communities for a better tomorrow.

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