Parliament Security Staff trained by NDMA to handle any CBRN emergency
New Delhi, Oct 11 : Keeping in view, Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear (CBRN) safety and security of Parliament House Complex (PHC), NDMA under the leadership of Shri M. Shashidhar Reddy, Vice Chairman, NDMA had started CBRN training programmes of Parliament security personnel. Seven training courses had already been conducted so far. 8th training programme was held in NDMA on 10 & 11 October, 2012. Nearly 400 security personnel have been trained during 8 courses.
In his opening remarks during 8th Training programme Maj Gen (Dr) JK Bansal, VSM, Chikitsa Ratan (Retd), Member, NDMA emphasized on constant monitoring for CBRN hazardous agents inside as well as outside the PHC. Due to strict security measures it may be difficult to take any CBRN agents inside the complex, however release of CBRN agents outside in the vicinity of PHC may be attempted, which may enter in PHC as a plume. Possibility of water contamination by hazardous material is also there. Biological agents like Anthrax can be disseminated by fire extinguisher or through air handling unit of high vacuum, air conditioning system. Maj Gen Bansal informed that Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN) scenario may arise due to unsafe disposal of nuclear material as happened in 2010 in Mayapuri incidence where 8 cases were hospitalized due to radiation injuries caused by cobalt 60. Recently there was a nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan which caused widespread radiation contamination in the surrounding area and needed specialized equipment and trained personnel to handle nuclear emergencies. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) also sent CBRN trained National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team to Japan. NDRF work was appreciated by the Prime Minister of Japan. In 2009, Swine Flu (H1N1) pandemic, India was also affected. Chlorine gas was leaked at Mumbai port in 2010. Recently an orphan hazardous chemical was found in Ghaziabad where few people got affected, the same was disposed off safely by NDRF.
Maj Gen Bansal also highlighted the importance of use of protective clothings face mask, gloves and boot while handling a CBRN eventuality. Any extra second contact of hazardous material with body is detrimental and must be removed from body as early as possible by decontamination, emphasized Maj Gen (Dr) JK Bansal. He also stressed about prompt treatment of CBRN injuries including specialized investigations like radio biodosimetry, use of decorporation drugs for radiation and antidotes for hazardous chemicals.
Approximately sixty Parliament Security Personnel attended the training programme. Faculty included experts from NDMA, DRDO, ICMR, BARC, NDRF, JPN Apex Trauma Centre and Delhi Fire Service. Every theoretical lecture was followed by practical demonstration. All participants were given hand on training on various CBRN equipment. A Mock Drill was conducted by NDRF battalion where a scenario of chemical terrorism was simulated and response of different stakeholders was demonstrated. Along with initial training, refresher courses will also be conducted so that all security personnel remain ready to respond promptly in case of CBRN eventuality.
In his opening remarks during 8th Training programme Maj Gen (Dr) JK Bansal, VSM, Chikitsa Ratan (Retd), Member, NDMA emphasized on constant monitoring for CBRN hazardous agents inside as well as outside the PHC. Due to strict security measures it may be difficult to take any CBRN agents inside the complex, however release of CBRN agents outside in the vicinity of PHC may be attempted, which may enter in PHC as a plume. Possibility of water contamination by hazardous material is also there. Biological agents like Anthrax can be disseminated by fire extinguisher or through air handling unit of high vacuum, air conditioning system. Maj Gen Bansal informed that Chemical, Biological, Radiological & Nuclear (CBRN) scenario may arise due to unsafe disposal of nuclear material as happened in 2010 in Mayapuri incidence where 8 cases were hospitalized due to radiation injuries caused by cobalt 60. Recently there was a nuclear accident in Fukushima, Japan which caused widespread radiation contamination in the surrounding area and needed specialized equipment and trained personnel to handle nuclear emergencies. National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) also sent CBRN trained National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) team to Japan. NDRF work was appreciated by the Prime Minister of Japan. In 2009, Swine Flu (H1N1) pandemic, India was also affected. Chlorine gas was leaked at Mumbai port in 2010. Recently an orphan hazardous chemical was found in Ghaziabad where few people got affected, the same was disposed off safely by NDRF.
Maj Gen Bansal also highlighted the importance of use of protective clothings face mask, gloves and boot while handling a CBRN eventuality. Any extra second contact of hazardous material with body is detrimental and must be removed from body as early as possible by decontamination, emphasized Maj Gen (Dr) JK Bansal. He also stressed about prompt treatment of CBRN injuries including specialized investigations like radio biodosimetry, use of decorporation drugs for radiation and antidotes for hazardous chemicals.
Approximately sixty Parliament Security Personnel attended the training programme. Faculty included experts from NDMA, DRDO, ICMR, BARC, NDRF, JPN Apex Trauma Centre and Delhi Fire Service. Every theoretical lecture was followed by practical demonstration. All participants were given hand on training on various CBRN equipment. A Mock Drill was conducted by NDRF battalion where a scenario of chemical terrorism was simulated and response of different stakeholders was demonstrated. Along with initial training, refresher courses will also be conducted so that all security personnel remain ready to respond promptly in case of CBRN eventuality.