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JNNURM Triggers Investments in Urban Infrastructure Sector

New Delhi, Oct 11: The Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) has attempted to trigger investment in the urban infrastructure sector and undertake reforms to sustain these investments. As on June 30, 2012, Five Hundred Fifty Four projects at a total cost of Rs 62,253 crore have been sanctioned under the urban infrastructure section & Governance sub-mission of JNNURM. 

The Additional Central Assistance (ACA) committed by the Government of India towards meeting the central share of the total project cost for these 554 projects is Rs 28,779 crore, out of which an amount of Rs. 17,853 crore has been released to the Mission Cities. In addition an amount of Rs. 2,089 crore, had been sanctioned as Central Share for Buses under stimulus package, out of which Rs. 1,342 crore has been released till date. Thus, total release till date is Rs. 19,195 crore. This has been stated in the Compendium of Projects & Reforms under JNNURM (Volume-I) released by the Ministry of Urban Development. Under the Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT), 807 projects at a total cost of Rs 14,021 crore have been sanctioned. The Additional Central Assistance committed by the Government of India towards meeting the central share of the total project cost for these 807 projects is Rs 11,358 crore, out of which an amount of Rs 8,915 crore has been released to 672 small & medium towns. 

JNNURM was launched by the Government of India on 3rd December 2005, envisaging an investment of more than Rs. 1,00,000 crore during a period of 7 years from 2005-06 to 2011-12 with a committed Central Government share of Rs. 66,000 crore. JNNURM is a reform driven, fast track programme to ensure planned development of identified cities with focus on efficiency in urban infrastructure/service delivery mechanisms, and through community participation and enhanced accountability of ULBs/parastatal agencies towards citizens. The programme was planned to operate on a mission mode by facilitating large scale investments in the urban sector, policy and institutional reforms, leading to sustainable socio-economic growth in the cities. 

The compendium further states that the Programme focuses, higher level of resources and management attention to 65 select cities across the country. 35 cities with million plus population, other State capitals and cities of heritage and tourism importance comprise the 65 Mission cities under Urban Infrastructure & Governance (UIG). The other towns of 31 States/UTs are eligible for funding under UIDSSMT. 

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