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RIMS's new library building inaugurated

Imphal, December 15: College of Nursing, RIMS, gained yet another  important milestone when a new library building was recently inaugurated on the campus.

Prof N. Damayanti, adviser to College of Nursing, dedicated it to the teachers and students of the college. It has one spacious reading room with enough reference  books and other reading materials like newspapers and magazines. The modern building also has two staff rooms, one property counter for the visiting readers and a toilet.

Speaking briefly on the occasion Prof  Damaynati exhorted the students to make best use of the library.

She said that the students can never enrich their knowledge in their studies without browsing through the reference books. She suggested to the teachers to refresh their knowledge  by spending some hours in the library.More books are being added to the already well stocked library. There is already a librarian and more staff are being posted there.

There is 50 intake capacity of students  in the college every year. Except for the 15% all India quota the rest are for the NE states except for Assam.

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