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RRM Inaugurates NCC National Conference

New Delhi, October 16: Minister of State for Defence Dr. MM PallamRajuemphasized the need to reach out to maximum students to spread the motto of the NCC – ‘Unity and Discipline’. Inaugurating the biannual conference of the National Cadet Corps (NCC)here yesterday, he asked the NCC State Heads to carry out close liaison with respective State governments so that initiatives pertaining to NCC are resolved smoothly. 

The two-day national conference is being attended by the Heads of NCC of all States. This forum is an ideal platform to formulate plans and implementation procedures of this premier youth organization. 

The highlight of the conference was the release of ‘NCC – Revised Training Philosophy’ document by the Minister. 

Later, the in-house discussion session took up the challenges and moot issues concerning training and logistics requisites of the young cadets. Lt Gen PS Bhalla, DGNCC emphasized the implementation of the refined NCC Training Philosophy to make it contemporary, more realistic and purposeful in keeping with the aspirations of the youth. He brought out that the NCC training academies at the state level, is going to provide appropriate training and administrative infrastructure for the cadets. The focus on personality development programmes in now more structured and professional manner will be immensely beneficial to the NCC cadets and enable them to groom themselves as effective leaders in various fields and professions. 

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