No Dam Construction, says CNPO
IMPHAL, October 18: Chandel Naga People Organisation (CNPO) has said that they would not comprise their stand with government, against the construction of multipurpose project dam at Chakpi bank of Chandel District.
According to a press statement, the CNPO has said that construction of such dam it is not a wise but force decision that threaten and violates the indigenous right of minority and tribal properties.
CNPO General Secretary, BD Betha in his press statement, has stated that a memorandum was also submitted to both central and state government objecting strongly to the construction of the purposed dam.
He also added that construction of such dam is against the people wish and total denial of the democratic citizen’s right of the people’s, and government should understand the people’s pulse. The organisation further said that government should consult its people before taking any big decision analysing all the pros and cons.
Further, pertaining with the issue, the CPNO has said that they support the people’s rally against the construction that was undertaken on 11, October at chandel district HQ which was jointly organised by Anal Apex Body, Anal Naga Cheif Association, Anal Women Association, Anal student Union.