New Delhi, October 25: The Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh has condoled the passing away of actor satirist Jaspal Bhatti. In his message to the family Dr. Manmohan Singh described him as a person who endeared himself to generations with his unique perspective on probity in public life.
Dr. Manmohan said,"I am deeply grieved to learn of the tragic and untimely demise of Shri Jaspal Bhatti. Bhatti`s work using the medium of television and cinema to hold up a mirror to society and highlighting the problems of the common man will long be remembered. Not only did he contribute in his own way to reform society, he did it with a light and humorous touch, which endeared him to generations of viewers and audiences. In his unfortunate passing away the country has lost a person who pioneered a unique perspective on probity in public life. On this sad occasion, I extend to you and other members of Shri Jaspal Bhatti`s family my heartfelt condolences. I pray to God to grant you and your family the strength and fortitude to bear this irreparable loss."
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on 22:57.
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