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CCpur police observes commemoration day

LAMKA, October 21: The police commemoration day was observed today at Churachandpur police station.

The function was marked by a floral tribute and wreath laying ceremony headed by Churachandpur SP, Mangkhogin Haokip.

The function was attended by personnel from the CC Pur Police, IRB and traffic police posted in the district. The function is held every year in remembrance of those police personnel who had lost their lives during service.

The program started at 7 in the morning and ended at 8:30 am following provision of light refreshment.

Manipur being one of the worst insurgency affected state in India, surprisingly accounts for very little casualty in 2011.

In 2011, 867 police personal died as against 872 in 2010 in India. The statistic release by the National Crime Bureau shows 617 dead were accidents while 132 were due to terrorist and extremist operation, 13 deaths were caused by mobs, while 50 were due to criminals.

Chhattisgarh accounts for the highest number of police killed by terrorist though Utter Pradesh accounts for the highest number of police personal kill while on duty.

UP was followed by Punjab (94), Maharastra (90), Chattisgarh (85). What is surprising is that in six states five of them from the North East namely Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Tipura , Goa and Nagaland no policemen were killed during the period.

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