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Three day seminar on ‘corruption muthatsi’ begins at MU

IMPHAL, September 1: The 3-day seminar programme on “Corruption Muthatsi Nattrabadi Eikhoi Mutlagani” begins today at Seminar Hall, Department of Anthropology, Manipur University organized by the Democratic Students Alliance of Manipur (DESAM).

M Angamba, vice-president of DESAM, addressing the key note highlighted the need for a mass movement of the people to wipe out corruption in the state and country as a whole.

He said that to bring mass movement we need to educate the people specially youths and share them and make them aware of the problems faced due to corruption.  He said that we need leaders who are dedicated and who have great concern for the people, and if we do not act now against corruption we will be perish, he added.

The later part of the programme saw Dr Angomcha Bimol Akoijam, associate professor, JNU, Delhi, speaking on the topic “Refection on Political Culture and its Political Economy”; Dr M Nabakumar Meitei, child psychologist on the topic “Corruption and Child Development”; and Dr N Pramod, lecturer, LMS Law college speaking on “Shenja Thumja Muthatpada Aain,” as resource persons.

The programme was moderated by Prof W Nabakumar, dean of Human & Social Science, Manipur University.  

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