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Ravi crops distributed under RKVY at Lamshang

IMPHAL, November 27: Distribution of agriculture inputs for Ravi crops 2013-14 under Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, sponsored by the state Department of Agriculture and organized by Khut Manabi Farmers Association (KMFA) was held at Ngaiyambam Village at Lamshang this morning.

The distribution program was held at Ngaiyambam Puja Mandir.

Speaking at the function, extension agriculture officer, Th Tomba Singh said that the ravi crops inclusive of peas, coriander, mustard and pump sets being distributed are meant for the benefit of the farming community.

Detailing on the plantation methods of the seeds, he mentioned that the distributed peas can be sown without tilling the land but straw should be used to cover the seeds until proper germination, however the best is to till the arable land to get better produce.

Such distribution programs are to be held across all districts by the Agri department with an objective to bring about a green revolution and further utilize the land post rice farming for yielding additional produce, he said.

RKVY nodal officer, H Ibocha Singh attended as the chief guest, while Henam Brajamani Singh presided over the function. The program was also attended by the secretary of the association, Ngariyambam Saphabi Devi who is also a gram panchayat member of Mayanglangjing Ward number 7.

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