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Sangai image to be rectified

IMPHAL, July 17: A private monthly children educative magazine "AFTER SCHOOL" printed at New Delhi which is distributed freely to some schools of Manipur through concern ZEOs have an article under the name "Protected Homes part -1" in the  volume -II, Issue -X of July 2013. The article was about National parks and sanctuaries of India. In the article, there are images of a number of rare and distinctive wild animals leveling with the name of the animal along with the names of the parks and sanctuaries where they are found. The image showing Sangai is not of Sangai, according a statement of the People for Animal Thoubal.

The statement further said that PFA Thoubal was unhappy with the mistake as it could mislead the young learners. PFA wrote to the editor about the mistake and to rectify it in the next issue. The Chief Editor, Rashmi Luthra replied to PFA with an apology for the mistake. She wrote that she will rectify it in the next issue and will write an article about Sangai in coming issues. She also sent us some images of deer supposed to be of Sangai for confirmation. A true photo of Sangai will be seen in the next issue which both side had agreed while the editor adding that many photos of deer are uploaded in the internet claiming to be of our dear Sangai which is actually not Sangai, it said.

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