ILP bodies reiterate course of agitation
IMPHAL, May 17: The Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System and the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System of Student Unions on Thursday called a joint press conference at the All Manipur Students’ Union head office reiterating its previous stance of launching several forms of agitations demanding the implementation of Inner Line Permit in the state.
Elaborating on the course of action, spokesperson S Angamba said as announced earlier the bodies have set a May 31 deadline for the government to extend the ILP in Manipur regarding which an ultimatum was dispatch earlier to the Union Home Minister.
He said in case of failure on the part of the centre to meet the set deadline, the bodies will block entry of any non-Manipuri into the state from June 1 which will continue till June 5.
This will be followed by barring all non-locals from entering localities for their business or any other purposes from June 6-10 if the government fails to implement ILP in the state.
The spokesperson who is the convenor of the Joint Committee on Inner Line Permit System in Manipur said that the bodies along with the people of the state will continue to launch several other forms of agitation unless the demands for the extension of the Inner Line permit into the state is approved.
He said, the demand of the bodies should not be mistaken as demands for eviction of the non-locals from the state.