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Farmers, Farming Communities Honoured for their Contribution in Conserving Plant Genetic Resources

New Delhi, May 22: Minister of State for Agriculture and Food Processing Industries, Tariq Anwar, today gave away awards to four farming communities for their outstanding contribution in conserving plant genetic resources. These awards, carrying a cash prize of Rs. 10 lakh each, have been instituted by the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Authority (PPV &FR).

In addition, 10 farmers received award and cash prize of Rs. 1 lakh each for their commendable work in plant genome protection. Fifteen other farmers also received citation for their efforts in this field as a mark of recognition.

Highlighting the importance of conserving genetic resources of economic plants, the Minister said that the process of development of new varieties through plant breading is a long and expensive process, farmers and others engaged in this process duly rewarded so that they continue their efforts in this endeavour.

The Minister stressed upon the need to develop new and improved varieties suitable for different agro climatic regions and are tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses. The role of farmers, farming communities, research institutions and seed industry becomes important. He appreciated the Authority (PPV&FR) for its role as a bridge between plant breeding institutions and seed industry to make available quality seed of new varieties to farmers.

The awards are being given since 2009 to farming communities and farmers, particularly the tribal and rural ones, engaged in conservation, improvement and preservation of genetic resources of economic plants and their wild relatives particularly in the areas identified as agro-biodiversity hotspots.

Four farming communities who received the Plant Genome Saviour Community Awards are: Seed Saver Farmers Group, Pune (Maharashtra), Sanjeevini Rural Development Society, Vishakapatnam (Andhra Pradesh), Deepaoli Women’s Self Help Group, Thiruvannamalai (Tamil Nadu) and Akampadam Chimpachala Punchakkadu Padasekhara Samithi representing rice farming communities in Palakkad (Kerala).

The 10 farmers who received Plant Genome Saviour Farmer Rewards are: P. Devakanta, Imphal (Manipur), Maha Veer Singh Arya, Churu (Rajasthan), Shri N. Vasavan, Kannur (Kerala), Shri Purnanand Venkatesh Bhat, Uttar Kannada (Karnataka), Shri Jai Prakash Singh, Jhakini, Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), Sri Pravat Ranjan Dey, Panpara, Nadia (West Bengal), Ushagram Trust, Bimagar, Nadia (West Bengal), Shri Chandra Shekhar Singh, Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh), Shri Ciby George Kallingal, Pattikkad, Thrissur (Kerala) and Shri Narendra Singh Sipani, Mandsour (Madhya Pradesh).

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