ADC Sadar Hills Culture meet held
KANGGUI,May 16: Sadar Hills Autonomous District Council apart from organising Handloom and Handicraft Exhibition yesterday organised a Cultural Meet as a part of the exhibition programme today at Thomas Ground, Kangpokpi.

While speaking at the Meet, Haokholal Hangshing, Chairman ADC Sadar Hills said that the apart from organising Handloom and Handicraft Exhibition under the theme "PEACE AND HARMONY", this Cultural Meet has also been organised solely for Peace and Harmony among all ethnic tribes within Sadar Hills. But it is very unfortunate that the natural rain has affect the turn up for the programme.
"This might be first ever Cultural Meet in the world organised solely for Peace and Harmony under heavy rainfall", mentioned Hangshing.
Hangshing further lamented that, rain could not stop us from striving to achieve Peace and Harmony within us. The success of today's meet solely depends upon the cooperation render by the participants and the general public besides leaders of civil bodies organisation, church leaders, NGOs, village chiefs and the state govt. added Hangshing.
While appreciating the participants participating in such difficult situation, Hangshing noted that if the participant cultural troupe and the invitees take the matter as a mere organised programme no one will be available here today for the meet rather though less, all the participants take the matter as a striving effort to achieve peace and harmony they turn up bearing the heavy rainfall. Therefore i am very much glad to them all expresses Hangshing.
"The turn up is less than expected due to rainfall. Though less, the love of peace and harmony shown by these few participants give us a new hope that we could for sure success in meeting our theme. For, these few turn up are those who really care and love for Peace", added Hangshing.
"Prizes does not matter though the committee arrange to show its happiness. To me you all are winner of the meet and you display the first class cultural dance of your respective ethnic tribes", noted Hangshing.
Mentioned may be made that today's cultural meet first prizes amount of Rs.15,000 has been donated by Haokholal Hangshing.
Hangshing appeals to all participants and the state govt.besides the general public to extend their fullest support if such programme is organised again in future and also expresses hope that today few peace loving participants would multiple the next time.
"Let us and try to open the door of peace and harmony wider and wider through our beautiful and unique cultural identity and also preserve it", added Haokholal Hangshing.
The organising Chairman Haokholen Guite, who is also the Executive Member of ADC Sadar Hills said, "We are one, though we have diffirent name. We live in one and the same land therefore we are all brother and sister".
"Displaying our respective unique cultural dance while bearing miserable hardship cause by the rain together in one place signifies our oneness and brotherhood", noted Guite while elaborating that it also signifies our eagerness to step in together in the field of positive development.
Guite further lamented that, the desires and hope of the government is also the same that all ethnic group of the state lives together in oneness, peace and harmony while expressing gratitude to the wide ranging minded and supportive Manipur state government for having been given us a great opportunity through helping while organising this type of Cultural meet to promote peace and harmony particularly within the ethnic tribes of Sadar Hills by displaying together their respective unique cultural identity.
"The prizes, the committee arrange for you is no match to the beautiful, unique and very much attractive cultural dance bearing all hardships under the rain. The prizes is mean only to show our happiness and gratitude for your cooperation and contribution in striving together for peace and harmony within us. The most important thing is the cultural dance you display to show our oneness and brotherhood thereby striving for peace and harmony", added Guite.
Guite also appeals the state government to sanction better amount while organising such an encouraging and effective programme for promoting peace and harmony the next time since the current year sanction amount of Rs.3 lakhs is too less for the management.
The participants cultural troupe in today's cultural meet were Daili, Sadu Koireng, Thangkanphai, Motbung, Leilon Vaiphei, Khengjang, Nungsai Chiru, Sandang Senba Maring, Chini-Ingkhol and Maram Art and Cultural Troupe.
Leilon Vaiphei Cultural Troupe has been adjusted winner of the Cultural meet while Sandang Senba Maring Cultural Troupe has been adjusted 1st runner up and Thangkanphai Cultural Troupe was 2nd runner up.
The winner were awarded Rs.15,000 with a certificate of appreciation while 1st and 2nd runner up were awarded Rs.13,000 and Rs.12,000 with certificate of appreciation respectively.
Other participant cultural troupe were given Rs.10,000 each with a bus fare.
Closing ceremony of the two day long Handloom and
Handicraft cum Cultural Meet organised by Sadar Hills Autonomous District Council will be held tomorrow inform the organising committee.