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Seminar mulls over media role in promoting co-ops

IMPHAL, February 6, 2013 : The Institute of Cooperative Management organized a One Day seminar on the topic “The role of Media in the Cooperative Development in Manipur” at its office conference hall today.
Jeena Potsangbam, chairperson of  NCUI-Project Coordination Committee who was the guest of honour at the seminar said, “Media is the temple of learning and it’s best information institute in the world that transmits knowledge skills and information to everyone even to the handicap, deaf and dump through different medium”.

It is one of the most respected professional line serving for the upliftment of the society.
Media plays an important role in developing the co-operative societies and it can only obtain its goals by going side by side with the media, she said adding that Self-Help Groups has been wrongly misinterpreted in the state resulting in their decadence.

She further elaborated that several individuals have failed to repay their loans after opening SHGs and wrongly informing others who come for advise to them about opening new SHGs.

She further appealed to all loanees who have taken loan after opening SHGs to repay their loans in time so as to strengthen the movement of the co-operative societies and bring up more self-help groups.
Prof. Dr N Mohendro Singh said, “Information is the life blood of the society, when the information goes wrong the society will suffer. In certain hill areas of the state information gap is high due to lack of access to media and information flow has failed miserably.”

The media has a great role to play in the society, he continued.

In the second session of the seminar A Mobi, President AMWJU; Yumnam Rupachandra, Senior Journalist; Ingudam Achou Singh, Program Executive AIR and Sonia Sorensangbam, Poknafam Staff reporter attended as special invitees of the workshop delivering their own views and experiences about the role of media in promoting the co-operative society movement.

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