Monetary demands affect developmental works in Jiribam
JIRIBAM, February 1: Developmental works taken up in Jiribam Sub-division as part of the first phase for the upgradation of the Jiribam Sub Division to a full-fledged Revenue district has been brought to a halt following monetary demands from outlawed outfits.
The outlawed groups have also been attacking several individuals for their inability to meet the monetary demands after leveling them as anti-party and anti-people. The outfits have either placed grenades as a first warning or exploded the grenades as punishment.
Unable to bear the consequences, several clinics and small time pharmacies in the sub division have closed down, while others who are unable to stay even in their homes due to the threats and the constant grenade attacks have sold off their properties and migrated to Assam.
A group of journamlist today conducted an inspection tour of several under construction sites in the sub-division including the site of the 50-bedded hospital and found that there was not a single labourer in any of the sites.
The team found that the workers had all stopped working and were all found inside their makeshift shelters citing that work had been stopped at their work sites.
Workers at the sites informed the team that out of the projects where work has been stopped, some have been stopped by the contractors saying that they are yet to receive their bills, while work at other sites have been stopped due to unrealistic monetary demands from an underground outfit.
The underground outfit had threatened also threatened that if the monetary demands are not met than the result would not be good, following which they had no other option but to cease their work, the labourers echoed.
Further appealing to the concern outfit to lift their monetary demand, the labourers also expressed that such hindrances on developmental works of the state is unfortunate.
When asked by the journalist team, the labourers however refused to disclose the name of the outfit and the amount of the monetary demand.
They also expressed that the people will come to know of it in due course of time.
They continued that they have also heard that monetary demands are made not only to contractors, offices and other business establishments including medical clinics but also to individuals.
Meanwhile, the people of the area has appealed to all concerned under-gound groups not to create any disturbance or hindrances to the ongoing projects so that the sub-division is upgraded to a full-fledged district at the earliest.