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World Animal Day observed

IMPHAL, October 5: Like in the rest of the world, the state of Manipur led by the directorate of Veterinary & Animal Husbandary Services, Manipur organised the World Animal Day yesterday at the office premises at Sanjenthong at 2 PM.

Speaking on the occasion, Director, Vety & AH Services, Manipur, Dr Saidokhum Joute who presided over the function reminded the interdependence between man and animals and the diverse role of animals in our daily life. He further emphasized the need of taking care, love and affection towards our animals and to protect them from different diseases by veterinarians and general public.

Dr Ksh Pabitra SIngh, Registrar, Manipur State Veterinary Council emphasized on the need of prevention of cruelty to animals in the state on this occasion, the statement said.

Dr L Saratkumar SIngh, joint secretary (ADM) made observations on the effort being made by the department towards the adoption and implementation of Prevention of Animal Cruelty Act 1960 in the state.

Dr Kh Sachikumar Singh, Retd Joint Director was also present on the dais and he emphasized the contribution of animals in human life.

Before the end of the observation, the participant resolved to observe "World Animal Day" in a befitting manner in the coming years and the joint hand of the department, Manipur state vety council, Indian Veterinary Association, Manipur Branch and forest and wild life department.

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