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48 hour state wide bandh called by KSO general headquarter

Imphal, Sep 15(Universal News Agency): Kuki Students’ Organization (KSO) General Headquarters called a 48 hour state wide bandh against the inability of Board of Secondary Education, Manipur (BSEM) for failing to open distribution centres of Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) in all district headquarters.

The State wide 48 hours bandh will start effected from 5 am of September 19 if the government fail to fulfil the demands of the KSO said Mangcha Baite, Vice president (Administration) in a press conference here in Imphal.

KSO has already aired there demands to Education Minister which includes, to make available TET forms in all the district headquarters in the state as before, to open TET examination centres in all the district headquarter of the state, to extent the last date of submission of forms by 10 days and to defer/postpone the date of examination as it collide with the date of SSC examination.

The distribution of TET forms from a single centre in Imphal has brought immense hardship and difficulties for the people settling in the hill areas. It has rendered unnecessary problems to all the people who came to get the TET forms as one has to stand in a long and serpentine queue in the sun or in the rains for hours added Mangcha Baite.

Problems are more intimidating to the people who come from far flung or remote areas in the hill districts. These people have to endure all sorts of hardship such as transport bottlenecks, finance problems and the trouble of spending of 2-3 days in Imphal to procure the forms. 

Pandemonium occurred every day at the distribution centre due to overcrowding and jostling.
The high pricing of the TET forms at Rs. 300 per form is also not appropriate as the price is way out of reach for poor and deprived candidate.

It has also cast a shadow of doubt among the people as some persons have been doing brisk business out of it. There is a rumour doing around that staffs and security personnel have engage in fraudulent practice by selling the form at the rate of Rs. 500 per form alleged KSO Vice president.

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