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Satellite to Mars

New Delhi, August 30: Government has approved in August 2012 the proposal to undertake the first unmanned mission to planet Mars to be launched during October- November 2013 using India’s Polar Satellite Launch vehicle (PSLV-XL) from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota. The spacecraft will be placed in an elliptical orbit of 500 km X 80,000 km around Mars by September 2014 after a voyage of nearly 300 days from the Earth’s orbit.

The primary aim and objective of the Mars Orbiter mission is to demonstrate India’s technological capability to reach Martian orbit. Further during the orbital life of the orbiter around Mars, scientific studies would be undertaken. 

The proposed Indian initiative to Mars will pave the way for future scientific missions, and bring a strategic advantage to India. The Mars Orbiter mission would also generate national pride and excitement in the young minds. 

The above information was given by the Minister of State in the Ministry Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions and in the Prime Minister’s Office, Shri V. Narayanasamy to the Parliament.

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