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AMSU's 47th Foundation Day observed

IMPHAL, August 28: The All Manipur Students’ Union observed its 47th foundation day today at its headquarter.

Marking the day, the student body’s president Th Suresh hoisted the AMSU flag.

The function was attended by AMSU former secretary general G Joykumar Sharma, President Th Suresh, MUSU former president Dr Ch Rajketan Singh, former president H Badankumar and All Manipur Muslim Students’ Union general secretary, Ziarul Rehman as chief guest, president and guests of honour respectively.

Speakers at the observation elaborated on the need to repeal the Arm Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 from the state and on education.

The guests deliberated that free education is yet to become a reality in the state and further echoed that the student bodies of the state will not remain silent on any state issues and work towards bringing unity and peace in the state.

Former MUSU president Dr Ch Rajketan said that students are the pressure group of the society.

He said that the teaching style has changed with the change in time and said that today students are the backbone of society.

Raising concern over the deterioration of student bodies in the state, he said that the student bodies have strayed from their path to work for the development of the society.

He further expressed that the time has come to monitor the same.

Chief guest G Joykumar said that the artificial scarcity of rice during the year 1965 led to the formation of the AMSU.

He further added that AMSU is proud to observe its 47th foundation day today and said that bringing unity amongst the people of the state must be the core challenge.

He also expressed that all those who have willingly became AMSU members should be invited to such gathering and encourage them to share their thoughts.

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