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SBI to open 56 ultra small branches in Assam and Manipur

GUWAHATI: In a attempt to take forward financial inclusion,India's largest banker, State Bank of India (SBI) will open up 56 Ultra Small Branches (USB) in 5 districts of Assam and one district of Manipur by the end of this month.

SBI has also planned to complete 100 USB within July 31, 2012 and convert all the Customers Service Points of State Bank of India into USB in a phased manner during the current financial year.
Ultra Small Branch is a new concept where a Business correspondent/Customer Service Points (BC/CSP) operates with their infra-structures including laptop accessing internet based site or through mobile software along with photograph and finger print bio-metric devices etc.

According to SBI the customer of USB get the benefit of accessing to Bank system through bio-metric devices which has been proved to be very useful and user friendly for the common man. Service at the door step and immediate disposal of transaction with financial literacy campaign are also added to the service of this USB.

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