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Internet not just education but stealing knowledge kept out by indian isolation

Internet is not just about students. It is the medium through which the politically marginalised and geographically isolated NE region can steal and catch up with the entire gamut of knowledge of the rapid march of human progress, which we have been left out of under the political marginalisation of indian rule. That intellectual development starvation from the decades long isolation from the indian govt's short sighted and vindictive policy of first trying to kill off the secessionist movements has left the NE economically crippled and unable to pay for the critical services demanded in a capitalist system.

Economic competition drives the virtuous cycle of industries consolidation to the big indian cities and geographically conducive trading hubs and that is no different to imphal being more developed and funded than the remote rural areas of the state and which also exist in all the other NE states. However again much like the govt of manipur is expected to deliver services to the rural areas by subsidising them, the indian govt has to subsidise essential services to the NE because no private sector exist to drive the economic engine to pay for those services.

Internet provides the best medium to cheaply deliver those services directly or indirectly by educating and empowering the population to scrutinise and exert pressure on the govt institutions from their elevated expectations and entitlement claims.

Besides the obvious academic education, the internet will allow the development of higher value add artisans than those currently making centuries old primitive handicraft and products. Because of the non existent private sector, the rampant NE unemployment has left a high number of above average educated, driven and skilled resources wasting away. And that supply of surplus talent is why the NE has a high sporting success rate as the smart people are not all sucked up into other profession jobs as in the other indian states. The ephemeral nature of music allowed knowledge dissemination on tapes and CDs from decades earlier allowing the NE musician to continue keeping pace with the skills and trend from the developed countries. Now that has exploded with the internet. The internet should also now disseminate the worlds current skills with videos on making better furniture, musical instruments, to build a higher value add artisan professions. These link below to premium Japanese knives which is less machining and electricity dependent but purely on high human skills is a case in point.

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