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Workshop in RTE held in Imphal

Education Minister M. Okendro (r) presents memento to
Project Dorector, SSA, SMA, Manipur Sumant Singh.

IMPHAL, August 21: The Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, State Mission Authority, Manipur today organized a one day state level workshop on implementation of “Shiksha Ka Haq Abhiyan- A campaign on RTE” at the Classic Hotel.

The workshop was attended by state Education Minister M Okendro Singh, Project Dorector, SSA, SMA, Manipur Sumant Singh, Technical Support Group, SSA, C Ramakrishnan and Director tribal Affairs and Hills, Lunminthang Haokip as the chief guest, president and the guests of honour, respectively.

Speaking at the workshop, Okendro said the Deputy Commissioners of all district have major roles for the successful implementation of the SSA and the SMA in the state and they should also properly inspect that whether the items provided under the schemes reach the children in their district.

He also assured that the government and his minister will provide all possible assistance to ensure that there is no want of any necessary items for the schemes.

He continued that the government has already provided appointment letters to the teachers appointed under the SSA, and all the few which have been left out will also be provided with their appointment letters so that they could start working.

Sumant Singh in his address said the Indian government wants to provide compulsory education to children from Class I to VIII so that everyone could enter in today’s competitive race.

He said the scheme also says that there should be a school for every one Km distance and under the RTE it is compulsory that all materials required for the provision of free and compulsory education is provided free of cost to the children.

He further appeal to the people that there should not be any discrimination on the basis of sex, colour, language, religion, etc.

He further appealed to all the concerned authorities to appoint well qualified and deserving candidates during the appointment of teachers.

Meanwhile, C Ramakrishnan in his speech said that it is the duty of the government to provide free education to the children from Class I to VIII as education is a basic right of the children.

He said that there is also a need to make the people aware about the importance of education and added that the teachers have an important role to play in educating the children.

Lunminthang Haokip in his speech elaborated that there are 944 primary schools in the hills districts of the state with a total of 7380 teachers.

He lamented that the concern school authorities should ensure that they received their monthly salaries in time.

He continued that due to the absence of quality education in the state, several students are going outside the state for education and spending a whole lot of money outside the state in their education.

He urged the concern authorities to take up actions to stop such draining of wealth and outflow of students from the state at the earliest.

The workshop was also attended by the DCs of all districts.

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