Ngamthang warns IFCD officials
LAMKA, Aug 6: IFCD Minister Ngamthang Haokip in association with MLA from Singngat GS Haopu inspected the breach of Khuga right canal site yesterday and the Spillway today at about 10:00 am.
The Minister was also accompanied by a team of officials from the IFCD department headed by its additional Chief Engineer T Thaba Devi.
During his inspection, he instructed the department to construct a retaining wall outside of it and a lining in the inside which should be about 100 meters each in length to protect the canal's wall from sliding down when water flows.
He instructed the department officials particularly the SO and the AE to be stationed at the place and take up the reconstruction work on a war footing so as to ensure that there are no complaints from the farmers about water scarcity.
He warned the officials that suspension from service would follow if they do not perform their duties well.
It was apparent that he was surprised on seeing the condition of the canal when he said,"The planning of the canal and dam site itself is not good and it may not be able to provide water to the farmers if it is not properly developed."
While inspecting the machine at the spillway for the release of water, he said, "We are saying that water should be released in large quantity with the aim of providing enough water to farmers since they cannot carry out cultivation due to scanty rainfall ".
He later enquired theextent of damage of paddy fields in the down slopes of the canal but came to the conclusion that no much damage were caused but disclosed any loss incurred by the flood water yesterday will be compensated .
In another development the HDFC bank today organised a coin mela at New Bazar Bus Parking from 12 noon for a day today where exchange of coins was done.
The Mela was launched by Cluster Head of the bank at 12 noon after which the many who gathered exchanged the currency notes with coins.
The notes exchanged today are that of Rs 1, Rs 2 and Rs 5.