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Antony Reviews Territorial Army Day Parade

New Delhi, Oct 9: A majestic Prime Minister`s Territorial Army Day Parade was held here today. Martial tunes, smartly turned out contingents and a large crowd added fervour and enthusiasm to the environment. The Parade was held to commemorate 63 Glorious years of the Territorial Army. In an impressive ceremony, the Defence Minister Shri AK Antony, reviewed the parade on behalf of the Prime Minister. The parade was also attended by Minister of State for Defence Dr MM PallamRaju, Chief of Air Staff, Chief of Army Staff and other civil and military dignitaries, including military and defence attaches fromforeign countries. 

The parade, commanded by Col DS Chauhan, comprised of 10 Marching contingents, 14 bands and four tableaus of Railways, Oil Sector, Ecological Task Force and General Hospital.Smart drill movements and exhilarating march past by the Terriers of Citizen`s Army, filled the spectators with a feeling of national pride. In addition, the Para Territorial Army units demonstrated expert slithering techniques from Advanced Light Helicopters. 

Terrotorial Army has grown from a fledging force at the time of independence to a force to reckon with comprising Infantry Territorial Army, Home & Hearth Territorial Army, Oil Sector Territorial Army, Railway Engineer Territorial Army, General Hospitals Territorial Army and Ecological Territorial Army. Prominent personalities also came forward to join the Territorial Army and have donned the uniform. Those who attended today’s parade included Lt Col (hon) KapilDev, Lt Sachin Pilot and Brig KP Singh Deo. 

The Defence Minister complemented all Terriers for doing yeoman service to the nation as also for putting up a splendid display of capabilities. On this occasion, Shri Antony also gave away the awards to seven officers and Jawans for their outstanding contribution in Territorial Army. 

Following is the text of the speech delivered by Shri Antony on the occasion:- 

“Today, on the occasion of the 63rd anniversary of the Territorial Army, I extend my heartiest congratulations and best wishes to all serving, as well as retired officers, Junior Commissioned Officers, brave soldiers of Territorial Army, as well as their family members. I take this opportunity to convey the felicitations from our Prime Minister, Dr.Manmohan Singh to all the Terriers and their family members. 

The Territorial Army was formally inaugurated on this day in 1949. Since then, this day is being celebrated as Prime Minister`s Territorial Army Day Parade every year. It gives me pleasure and great satisfaction to have reviewed the Territorial Army Day Parade of such a high standard. 

The Territorial Army has a great responsibility in augmenting the regular Army, be it during times of war, or war¬like situation, or in the wake of natural calamities. The nation appreciates the high standard of professionalism shown by our Citizen Soldiers. 

Terriers have been deployed across the length and breadth of our nation. Territorial Army units have displayed courage and showed extraordinary devotion and commitment during the 1962, 1965 and 1971 wars, in Operation Pawan in Sri Lanka, in Operation Vijay during Kargil conflict. Today, they are actively participating in counter-insurgency affected areas of J&K and North East. 

Territorial Army has provided assistance in the maintenance of essential services. Its departmental units have provided service during national emergencies. At a time when the world is faced with ecological degradation and global warming, the Ecological (TA) Battalions are one of their kind units in the world that have taken up the challenge of environmental upliftment through tree plantation. `Eco Warriors` are a living testimony to "Go Green" slogan of the Earth. The Ecological Task Forces have also done commendable work in the field of afforestation and ecological restoration. To its credit, the Force has gained an entry into the `Guinness Book of World Records` for plantation of maximum trees by a body of men in a day. It speaks volumes about their dedication and commitment to the environmental cause. 

It is a matter of great satisfaction that prominent personalities have come forward to join the Territorial Army and have donned the uniform for the national cause. The latest induction has been Shri Sachin Pilot, who has been commissioned into the Territorial Army. By becoming active members of the Territorial Army, such eminent personalities not only enrich the organisation, but also contribute to enhance the image of the Force among the youth of the nation. You must also think of more innovative measures to attract the youth to join this voluntary organisation. Prime Minister`s Territorial Army Day Parade gives the countrymen an opportunity to see the Terriers in full glory, marching with military precision. I am confident that the high standards of your parade will motivate the citizens to join the Citizen`s Army and serve the nation. 

Last but not the least, I congratulate all the award winners today. I once again compliment all of you for the high standards exhibited at today`s Parade. I am sure that all the personnel of the Territorial Army will continue to work with dedication and commitment to take this voluntary to higher levels of glory and achievements. With these words, I once again congratulate the TA fraternity for the 63rd anniversary and wish the celebrations all success.” 

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